Jul 13Liked by Rebecca Mears

that betrayal of finding out that your spouse is not going to be the partner you thought! The loneliness and isolation is soooo real! And the catch up work of trying to provide for yourself after the marriage dissolves and you invested in their career and not yours! Devestating! And few people can validate the grief and loss making it even more lonely!

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Nail on the head! The whole trajectory of my life has been different once I decided to go it alone.

That said: I don’t regret it. Being free to be myself, and not be ‘unequally yoked’ has been worth all the struggles!

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absolutely!! Everyone is shocked that I am not dating and I simply reply… when I have a free moment I never think… hmmm maybe a man would help… never! So I’m just enjoying my own company and rediscovering what I love!

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